Dr. Hemang Arvindkumar Sanghvi

Degrees MBBS / MCH
Designation Associate Professor
Department Plastic Surgery

Assistant Professor-Jubilee mission medical college(2017-2020)

Assosciate professor-Jubilee mission medical college (2020-2023)


Barbed suture technique in tendon repair( Journal of advance plastic surgery volume 1, 2015 page 5-9 - 2015)

Effect of Enalapril in the treatment of hypertrophic scar and keloid (Journal of advance plastic surgery vol 1 page 10-13 -2015)

Comparative study of collagen vs silver foam dressing in second degree burns(Global journal of research analysis - 2020)

Management of accidental thermal burns due to burning of household waste: An institutional study. (Global journal of research analysis- 2020)